Automatic Order Sync
Automatically sync incoming Orders to Google Sheets. Update Sheet when Order data changes.

Custom Export Format
Choose Order Fields to Export. Add Columns for Line Item Properties and custom Options.

File Attachment Upload
Sync Order File Attachments into Google Drive folders.
Cloud Order Export & Sync
Use Cloud-Lift Order Sync to export and sync your store's orders into Google Sheets and Google Drive.
Automatic order sync
Incoming orders are synced in real-time. No synchronization schedule setup required.
Order update sync
Orders can be automatically re-synced when the order data has changed. Sheet cells are updated with the new order data.
Order filters
Use order filters to select which orders are synced. Create multiple configs with different order filters to sync orders to selective locations on your Google Drive.
Custom folder structure
Use liquid template variables to create a folder structure for efficient order processing.
Order fields
Customize the standard Shopify Order CSV export format with additional order fields. Rename column headings and drag&drop the column order.
Line item properties export
Create columns to export specific Line item properties. The app analyzes your past orders to show a selection of used line item properties.
File attachments export
File links on the line item properties can be downloaded and synced to your Google Drive folder. Useful when the app is used in combination with other Upload Apps.